Mr Francis Keith Robins

The Power of Objective Thinking

People adopting a mathematical thinking strategy plus society also adopting a mathematical way of operating is an important milestone for history.

Do not seek reality / create perceptions as they are unobtainable as illustrated by Plato’s cave instead use the 15 classes of knowledge which is a more efficient way to capture knowledge for members of reality / experience / system plus for the objective thought process using mathematical principles which are detailed elsewhere *.

The following is the childlike approach which I adopted as a youngster and now when receiving information about reality i.e. per internet Childlike faith is often described as a faith that does not doubt, question, or seek explanations; it just believes’ although I knew the information may not be true and more importantly not needed to live my life. Later I discovered if need be, how to separately create a mathematical model for any system or experience i.e. reality. This includes determining whether the set of information had true characteristics where necessary as a separate exercise e .g. by auditing or carrying out more research see @. You thus live in a bubble.



How I achieved an objective way of thinking

I am a genius because of the way I think i.e. objectively not subjectively. Its not that clever as I contend that everyone should think this way. The reason I think objectively is that due to my hypersensitivity and hyperactive mind as a youngster before I became an adult, I did not seek reality i.e. create perceptions as the information on which it is based can be false. I viewed the information received as a child would i.e. accepted what I received through the senses without interpretation. Thus my consciousness matches my subconsciousness. I worked as an auditor and had difficulty in keeping deadlines. The powers that be suggested that I should be examined by a psychiatrist who discovered that I thought different from the norm and suggested I publicise my thinking strategy.


What evidence I am a genius

The only evidence I have of being a genius is showing how an objective thinking person thinks – see below * which I suggest may be too complicated for a press release except for not seeking reality plus I have devised a mathematical model which can represent any experience or system which I contend can be compiled and shared nationally and internationally for transparency and peaceful cooperation see below @–


How the world would be a better place if mathematical models are shared

This model includes what mistakes can occur together with the relevant precautions for the given class of experience e.g. handling virus. This model could be limited to what mistakes can occur for the given class of experience. Mistakes can be limited to important ones if necessary. Hence individual countries will not be learning by themselves making mistakes. Similarly best practice would be shared. Hence the world would be a better place through mathematical thinking. The mathematical model is based on 15 classes of knowledge which is evidence of me being a genius see below @. It does not make sense that the wonderful machine the brain operates subjectively v objectively.


Religious connotations

I do not think it is a coincidence that Adam and Eve were ejected from the Garden of Eden because they sought knowledge i.e. gathering the fruit from the tree of knowledge for that is what humans are doing when they wrongly seeking reality i.e. trying to understand the world outside based on what receive through the senses. I contend that God introduced religion into the world as humans were not using the brain in way He intended.


Mathematical basis

As an aside the mathematical element is not number crunching or involve complicated equations instead it is based on the definition of a set or list i.e. a group of objects or list with specific characteristics i.e. they are connected. Also the theory is based on the natural mathematical symbolic properties of language e.g. everyone and every experience or system can be represented by a set or list of knowledge. I can demonstrate mathematical thinking by describing the mathematical thought processes of getting up and making breakfast see below $,



People should live in a bubble i.e. not seeking reality based on information received through the senses and concentrate on living their own life. If they need be use the 15 classes of knowledge to establish the knowledge for reality.


A simple way of expressing my mathematical ideas is to suggest instead of people creating perceptions to represent reality which can be based on false information they create mathematical models. They should concentrate on living their life rather than worry about the outside world. This is a solution for many young person mental health problems. The mathematical model created by countries which could be shared nationally and internationally includes what mistakes can be made for a system or experience and these can be updated for the given experience e.g. dealing with the virus. As a result the world would not continually learning hopefully by making mistakes i.e. they will be sing from the same song sheet and it would be transparent so other bodies e.g. universities can input data. Similarly best practice should be shared. Another important mathematical thinking tool is creating a set e.g. creating a list of all climate change prevention measures to be circulated internationally. The world would hence be a better place if change the way people thought i.e. objectively and countries shared mathematical models.

*Objective Thinking Strategy

(Based on my own thinking strategy thus a genius)

This is how our brain should operate which is based on mathematical principles where the mathematical principles are the definition of a set which is a group of objects with specific characteristics i.e. they are connected plus languages natural maths or symbolic properties. It should be stressed the maths element is not number crunching or complicated equations but lists with particular characteristics e.g. any experience or member of reality can be represented by a set or list of knowledge.

* An objective thinking strategy

The strategy includes 1/ KEY is not seeking reality i.e. let the information go over your head as the set of information on which it is based can be false and incomplete instead one can learn how to use 15 classes of knowledge to describe any experience or system. The big question is WHY do you need to know reality i.e. create perceptions, to live life as it is unobtainable as Plato’s Cave demonstrates [SEE BELOW] other than for human interest? You should live in a bubble rather than seeking to make sense of the outside world through the senses. You should concentrate on living your own life mathematically see below. It does not make sense that our wonderful brain should operate subjectively. By adopting an objective thinking strategy means you have an uncluttered mind instead concentrate on living your life.

2/ Realising everyone is unique i.e. they can be represented by a unique set of knowledge although based on the same template. This challenges stereotyping, tribalism or racialism. 3/ When one reviews the set or list of knowledge that represents any human one realises the most important is that which is not directly detected by the senses e.g. kindness, helpfulness, honesty, loyalty v appearance and smell. This challenges celebrity culture, body image, image in general and racialism. 4/ Learning how to create a set or list to expand your knowledge base e.g. ‘classify’ when one defines the characteristics of the set e.g. a way of getting from A to B ‘expand’ when one seeks members of the set or list e.g. walking, hiring a private car etc. One can refine the characteristics of the set or list to suit the situation e.g. getting from A to B by walking and taking public transport. 5/ Realising when there is more than one item one can order or prioritise by comparing or connecting with one another e.g. selecting an empty seat to sit on from a number of them available on in public transport or selecting a slice of cake from a number. 6/ Also where there is more than one item needed to do one can apply permutation and combination i.e. A e.g. items of clothes and B e.g. elements associated with making breakfast then one can adopt this principle i.e. partly dress then start breakfast, finish dressing and finish making breakfast etc. All have the same result Y say. 7/ Socialising mathematically.

Youngsters should be taught how to socialise mathematically where the mathematical element is a group of objects with specific characteristics i.e. they are connected which is fundamental in mathematics [Murray R Spiegel]. Another important aspect is to realise how to create a set to expand your knowledge base i.e. ‘classify’ – define the characteristics of the set then ‘expand’ seek members of the set thus defined.

(a) Learn manners when you connect with the other person e.g. say thank you ‘classify’ manners ‘expand’, please, sorry, excuse me etc. Define the characteristics of when to carry out manners e.g. say thank you when X occurs e.g. someone helps you.

(b) Ask how they are or say take care, say hello or Good bye are all ways to connect with the other person.

(c) ‘Classify’ Learn small talk ‘expand’ talk about the weather or ask what done for holidays etc. so more likely to connect with them

(d) Connect with the other person’s hobbies ‘classify’ an interest they have ‘expand’ etc.

(e) Connect with the theme of the conversation or change direction.

(f) Empathise or connect with the other person

(g) In polite circles agree or connect with the other person even if disagree or don’t understand.

8/ One should just accept what received through the senses without interpretation. The reality which you view can be represented by a set of knowledge 9/ life is a set of decisions. You should consider the consequences where possible of any decision. This should be taught whilst the child grows up. Ideally all instructions made to the child should be justified rather than made with a threat of punishment or they are told because they say so. This can be represented by an equation decision = consequences where both sides form a set. 10/ It should be stressed the importance of having a routine which is applicable to rich or poor as with socialising and what every person should be taught as a youngster. Having a routine gives life a framework /structural solution and can ensure importance matters have been carried out plus not adopting bad habits which are a set or series of actions. Routine can be expressed mathematically i.e. a set of objects e.g. breakfasts with particular characteristics e.g. always having porridge. Routine tasks can be taught as a youngster with justification by responsible person or as a back up by schools. 11/ A connection example to demonstrate the beauty of mathematics.


(a) a set or list is a group of objects with a specific characteristics.

(b) methods of creating sets or lists is to ‘classify’ describe the characteristics of the set then ‘expand’ seek members of the set or list.

An example

‘I switch on the microwave’ – this is a set or list of information that represents reality then ‘classify’ – part of the morning routine ‘expand’ other members of the list include wash face, cleaning teeth etc. Raising the ‘classification’ say one of my routines ‘expand’ – other routines e.g. going to bed routine, car tyres routine etc. i.e. another list. Raising the ‘classification further’ something that should be taught by a youngster ‘expand’ other matters e.g. philosophical phrases, members within ‘worst things happen at sea’. Any other members of the list of what should be taught to youngsters? In all cases one can justify actions by considering the consequences of not carrying out the routine which can be represented by an equation Decision = consequences where both sides form a set. One can raise the classification to include it being a part of the whole of human knowledge i.e. so everything is connected mathematically.

12/ Learn philosophical phrases e.g. ‘worse things happen at sea’ ; ‘reduce, reuse recycle’ etc. 13/ Making maximum use of time e.g. do crosswords during train journey / do your knitting whilst watching TV – applying classification or generalising and expand to consider doing other activities whilst doing another activity e.g. getting dressed whilst waiting for breakfast to be cooked versus getting fully dressed then making breakfast. 14/ Every person should be taught the same classes of knowledge as a youngster with justification e.g. connection or mathematical thinking. Ideally this information should be included in a reference book. 15/ One should plan or connect with a future event where necessary and don’t need to harbour bad memories. 16/ Improvisation can be expressed mathematically e.g. use the opposite end to a dirty spoon to stir a drink. Let X be that relevant end of the spoon that you stir a drink and Y the end of the spoon designed to stir then X and Y share the same characteristics. 17/ Metaphor and an analogy is a connections between two items.

Per internet

Analogy meaning ‘a comparison between one thing and another, typically for the purpose of explanation or clarification’

metaphor is a figure of speech that, for rhetorical effect, directly refers to one thing by mentioning another. It may provide clarity or identify hidden similarities between two different ideas.

18/ Going from A to B can be represented by a set of knowledge – classify and expand that applies to all actions.

1/ Plato Cave

Plato uses an analogy to illustrate his view of human experience and his theory of knowledge. A row of prisoners sit near the back of the cave, chained so that they cannot turn to face its mouth. Behind them is a fire, in front of which paraded various objects. The fire casts shadows of these objects onto the cave wall, and this is all that they can see. This corresponds to the normal way in which things are experienced: shadows, not reality itself.

Only then does it become clear to the prisoner that his former way of perceiving was only of shadows , not of reality.

[Teach yourself Philosophy Mel Thompson]

Class comment

Do not seek reality from information received through the senses / just live your life mathematically e.g. classify and expand, consider where possible the consequences of decisions represented by an equation and if you wish to discover reality independently use the 15 classes of knowledge





$ Analysing the mathematical thought processes for the start of a typical day [one that most people can connect with i.e. relate to] in order to learn lessons for life.

Basic mathematics is the definition of a set which is a group of objects that have a specific characteristics i.e. they are connected and method of set creation i.e. ‘classify’ define the characteristics of the set then ‘expand’ seek members.

Throughout the experience one can ask oneself what rules apply e.g. instructions given as a youngster and what are the consequences of breaking them. Also determine what mistakes can occur and what precautions should be taken to prevent them occurring and which ones taken in case the mistake is made.


(a) Wake up – when? connect when normally wake or for a special event, other classes include when naturally wake or woken by some other means e.g. by alarm or by another person

(b) Getting out of bed – as there are normally more than one option you may ‘classify’ a way out of bed ‘expand’ seek other ways e.g. left, right bottom complete set then select appropriate one i.e. consider the consequences of that decision which may be your routine.

(c) Go the bathroom – Classify this action can be represented by a set of knowledge. and expand all other movement around the house or elsewhere can also. It is important to recognise that when you go from A to B you are part of three types of sets

(i) walking ‘classify’ means of getting from A to B ‘expand’ running, skipping, hoping etc.

and (ii) ‘classify’ direction ‘expand’ e.g. forward, sidesway, backwards complete set or turn right or left complete set plus possible angles i.e. 0 to 360 degrees. One could introduce delta X smallest element if necessary. You then choose the one you wish to follow e.g. 90 degrees to go round a corner to the bathroom i.e. ‘classify’ / ‘expand’ then select appropriate member.

(iii)Overall speed ‘classify’ and ‘expand’ range minimum to maximum speed select appropriate.

These are the thought processes of your subconsciousness although you can override them as you have freewill. As there is more than one alternative to choose from one can apply permutation and combination e.g. slow, quick, quick, slow etc. and ordering e.g. prioritising.

(d) Clean teeth, wash hands, neck and face – this is classed as routine where one adopts a philosophy of repeating actions. You may ask yourself what RULES apply e.g. what your parents said should be done [one can classify and expand as what parents taught you], what are your relevant principles and what a dentist taught you or NOT. Also one could seek justification i.e. what are the consequences of not cleaning each part of the body or NOT. Where ‘or NOT’ is an act of freewill. The set of items need to perform the action is water, soap, toothpaste toothbrush [REALITY] is it a complete set? One can generalise to create more alternatives e.g. something to clean my face e.g. shaving foam. One could ask oneself have I complete set i.e. have I cleaned all the relevant areas of the body thoroughly which is a characteristics of the set of actions of cleaning[i.e. have I made a MISTAKE missing relevant areas of the body]. As there again a number of operations you can order and also apply permutation and combination i.e. wash face first then clean teeth etc. or clean teeth first then clean face etc.

(e) Dry areas which are wet with a towel. Again you are laying down characteristics of the set of actions in this case drying wet areas. Touching the towel you can be represented by a mathematical model set of objects with specific characteristics they touch one another. The place on the towel you touch is part of a set of the whole towel. You can select an area with dry characteristics by feel. If towel has all wet characteristics you can refer to the set of other towels.

(f) Get dressed, make breakfast e.g. making porridge can be represented by a set of knowledge. Again as it is a number items e.g. dressing involves top e.g. shirt etc. is it complete set? and bottom e.g. trousers, shoes socks etc. is it complete set? Then one can apply ordering in importance plus combination and permutation viz. Partly dress then partly make breakfast then finish dressing and finish making the breakfast. One can connect what class of clothes wear with the weather [REALITY]

(g) The organising the breakfast can be to minimise the time taken e.g. first put kettle on for tea. At the same time start microwaving the porridge classify starting the breakfast. Whilst waiting take clean mug and honey to the dining room and bring back a dirty mug used last time and teapot to be filled. One can seek relevant instructions i.e. INFORMATION on the porridge pack for cooking porridge and obey or not.

(h) Fill the teapot with boiling water, Perhaps not putting a new teabag in as a money FINANCE and resources saving policy whilst the taste is satisfactory and finish microwaving the porridge.

(i) You may have select a drink mathematically by ‘classify’ a hot drink that one has ‘expand’ coffee, tea, Horlicks, Chocolate – do you have any others i.e. is it a complete set? You could expand the set to include obtaining those hot drinks sold in the supermarket that you do not have. You may of course have a cold drink as well as or instead of when class thinking may be applied i.e. defining the characteristics of the set e.g. alcoholic or non-alcoholic drinks.

(j) You consider having something else in the porridge then you can ‘classify’ define the characteristics of the set e.g. a sweet edible substances that I like – connect with personal taste then ‘expand’. Perhaps connecting with the set of items in your larder or connect with a friends recommendation or connecting further to the supermarket set of items that fulfilled the characteristics.

(k) When opening the door you adopt the same approach (connect) as drying oneself on a towel in that you touch the item and leads to other parts or set of those objects i.e. door and the other object i.e. persons body. Expand re body elbow, leg these may be needed to close the door if hands are occupied with carrying an article. Similarly you can consider touching all parts of the door when opening and closing the door. As an aside you can consider the consequences of repeated opening the door at a particular place on the door and a plastic shield which could be connected i.e. where the people in the house connect touch the door when opening and closing the door.

*Expanding Physical Connections

Again byClassifying and expanding one can consider other circumstances where there is repeated handling

Other items that form sets – light switches also can have a shield. You may have them all shielded or some or none complete set. Raise the classification to contact made between body and reality and expand contact between feet and floor covering e.g. carpet – consider consequences of repeated contact and place rugs in places where necessary.

Contact made with stair carpet should recognise that parts of the set are not worn because they are in the upright position hence recognise this by allowing extra length so the carpet can be moved and hence the whole carpet is used. Another contact is with the people coming from outside to inside the house when you can supply a mat outside for people to clean their feet and a rug inside [PRECAUTION] in case they did not wipe their feet [MISTAKE]. One can raise the classification further by considering contact when going to another persons house e.g. you may connect with them and take your shoes off before entering the house if the owners do viz. Connect with an unwritten RULE or not. Another contact is between the body and bed items e.g. mattress, pillow and blankets i.e. on top and bottom complete set when consider covering and washing the items. Again one can consider the consequences if not cleaned or infrequent. Consider incorporated in a routine. Ask oneself is it a complete set of contact between body and reality i.e. parts of the house. Another connection is need to recognise that these are areas to be cleaned. One can refine the characteristics of the set to only include those areas where there is regular touching e.g. not the airing cupboard or balustrade.

In all circumstances you should consider what MISTAKES one can make and the PRECAUTIONS if any and the FINANCIAL connection cost.

PS Used empty porridge packages as litter bins – put in fruit stones ‘classify’ putting rubbish that is not moist ‘expand’ banana skins etc.

Lessons for life demonstrating in this example as referred to the 15 classes of knowledge which are highlighted in bold,

(a) When there is more than one item you can consider ordering and adopting a permutation combination class of operation. In all decisions situations you could ask why not i.e. what are the CONSEQUENCES e.g. harmful of doing X e.g. get out of bed X way.

(b) You learn the importance of routine i.e. gives structure of life and important matters gets done e.g. cleaning teeth, cleaning parts of the body, having breakfast, dressing etc. One can seek justifications for a routine i.e. consider the CONSEQUENCES if not carry out the routine operation or not consider, where or not is freewill. Everyone rich and poor needs to have a routine. Routine can be expressed mathematically X members of the set have Y characteristics e.g. every breakfast X I have porridge Y.

(c) The example demonstrates the act of making the most of your time.

(d) Use of classify and expand to widen your knowledge base.

(e) Consider the financial cost of actions e.g. money saving hints. Aside having only porridge for breakfast is a cheap, satisfying and filling option which could be taught (connect) to poor people [that leads to another set with what poor people could be taught – this demonstrates the beauty of maths thinking] or possibly introduce in schools. Boil only sufficient water for making tea.

(f) Expanding thinking by seek sets e.g. protecting places which one regularly have contact with and where to clean.

(g) Consider the consequences of actions e.g. repeated handling the door and justifying of rules.

(h) Consider what mistakes one can make and the precautions if any e.g. looking scruffy precaution check in the mirror how presented.

(i) Consider where to operate e.g. In different rooms in your house.

(j) Establish what rules apply or Not and if know them is it the truth i.e. consider the consequences and then obey them or not.

(k) Realise you are responsible for the running of the house.

(l) Seek information with each element e.g. porridge package and seek relevant [connected] knowledge i.e. cooking and obey or not. This can be expressed mathematically in a given situation there may be no information or some which in turn may be useful – [connect the action involved] or not which is a complete set.

(m) Probability of making a class of mistake e.g. missing cleaning teeth or a natural disaster e.g. virus occurring to effect the experience or weather changing.

(n) quality efficient

(o) The objective of this exercise to demonstrate set thinking and how the 15 classes of knowledge apply [They in bold] i.e. in a situation that seeks to demonstrate how the most efficient way of a person [reality] getting up can be achieved by adopting mathematical principles.

(p) There are two examples of improvisation i.e. firstly another use for an empty porridge package is as a ‘waste bin’ which can be express mathematically. The set is the package X and an object that is designed to put rubbish in the bin Y both share the same characteristics. Another example is when you don’t have a teaspoon to stir your tea use the end of a dirty dessert spoon instead. The characteristics required for the teaspoon to stir the tea could be referred to as X and the end of the dessert spoon as Y, both X and Y share the same characteristics required to carry out the function of stirring the tea. This is a form of objective thinking and it can be applied to any situation where improvisation is used.


(q) The example chiefly demonstrates the power of set thinking.


Mathematical model for any experience or system

This following item describes how one can create a mathematical model for any experience or system rather than seeking reality by creating perceptions as the later is based on a set of information which can have false characteristics.

It is based on

(a) definition of a set – a group of objects with specific characteristics i.e. they are connected

(b) languages natural mathematical symbolic properties e.g. the word finger and the same characteristics as the subject itself.

As a result of these matters one can say any experience or system can be represented by a set of knowledge. One can gather the relevant knowledge using 15 sets of classes of knowledge or categories as shown below. You thus can apply connection thinking to gather all knowledge e.g. for a class of human epileptic or connect with a rule or connect with the characteristics of a person e.g. injured illness, die v machine breakdown. One can also trace a member of reality e.g. an invoice or human through the system which can be represented by a set of knowledge and establish the truth by confirming the truth by examining the document or questioning another officer. This is what auditors do when auditing a system when they see that all relevant or connected controls are in place.

Adopting this approach has the advantage of providing a framework for accessing knowledge plus being transparent as these mathematical models can be shared internationally and nationally to ensure they are comprehensive e.g. what are the connected mistakes for say virus management rather than individual countries learning by making mistakes. If need be you may refine the classification to include only important mistakes. Also where an experience can be broken down e.g. re virus acquiring goods this can aid identification of knowledge e.g. mistakes. The sharing of knowledge by countries could aid international relationship.

Examples of countries dealing with virus in the past include those dealing with SARS and MERS who we can learn lessons from.


Categories or classes of knowledge

Details of 15 classes of knowledge plus how it applies to producing this article / [press release] underneath in italics




Who? and What?

Every member of reality is unique and they can be gather in appropriate or connected subsets which include Human, animate objects, animals, vegetation, weather, fire, natural disasters etc.

Depending on what system you are describing you can gather humans into different class of subsets for different treatment e.g. epileptics, mentally handicapped. House owners, Pensioners

Human – me writing / person reading it

animate object – article [press release]



These include tradition, principles of a person concern, regulations, code e.g. country, house rules, guidance, religious, terms and conditions of firms etc. for a personal class of experience rules include instructions given as a youngster and principles of the person involved

Classes of knowledge associated or connected with rules include one may not seek them or otherwise determine what rules apply and obey them or not. There may be no rules when there should be and rules are introduced or not. Alternatively the rules are inadequate.

Principles of the author, Legislation,


Time When?

Christmas ‘classify’ religious holidays ‘expand’ Islam festivals Raising the class important times birthdays, etc.

Past history. When action took place or how long. Future

Date and time article [press release] written, sent and read


Place Where?

Where action took place.

Where article [press release]created and read


Variable consequences


Life is a series or set of decisions that you can where possible consider their consequences.

This can have a two way effect, either the effect of decisions by the person on the outside world and themselves or the effect of the outside world’s action on the person.

The effect can vary from one person to another, hence the term ‘variable’. It also includes the connected of the feelings of the individual or a witness of the activity and public opinion on the subject. The classes’ variable consequences should be identified and reviewed for any system. For example in supermarket system the contact between customer and cashier and the effects of the shopping experience with the customers senses e.g. smells and sounds.

Consequences of my article [press release]e.g. getting my principles accepted by the outside world and eventually fixing world. Feeling of the reader.





Me creating and presenting article[press release]. Or person reading my article[press release].




Setting an objective helps to define the characteristics of the set of knowledge which represent the experience or system.

To get my ideas publicised and accepted nationally and internationally



Every action and object should have a responsible person allocated to it i.e. connected e.g. from the decision to plant a tree through maintenance to death.

Personal responsibility to get my work accepted by the outside world. Article [press release]reviewer responsibility



One can rely on information told by a respected person i.e. one who has told you before the truth in the field of knowledge under consider. Alternative one could adopt the auditors approach by examining the relevant documents / carry out research to confirm what they are told is the truth e.g. ask another person for confirmation.

Alternative when you refer to a reference book or contact an expert in a particular field who recommends a particular place to go to you test their advice by visiting it.

Generally in an objective thinking strategy you are not concern whether you are told the truth or not unless act upon it as you are not seeking to describe the world outside due to the fact the set of information on which it is based may have the characteristics of being false.

I can assure you everything is true



Expenditure and income. There may be a set of ways of funding a project – sponsorship, Bereavement bequests etc.

The cost of creating article[press release]


Mistakes and precautions

In carrying out a risk assessment one seeks relevant [connected] mistakes that apply to that system or experience. Precautions include those that deter mistakes occurring and those in place if mistakes occur. Mistakes include criminal acts, and precautions include relevant [connected] controls, which auditor seek for any system. I suggest these should be shared and updated where necessary between similar organisations nationally and internationally.

Spelling mistakes – use spell check. For grammar read over a number of times and get someone else to read it.


Best Practice

As with mistakes and precautions best practice should be shared nationally and internationally. This should be the responsibility of someone or body e.g. auditors determine a government department spreads the word.

Use internet for advice



e.g. likelihood of making a class of mistake, natural disaster occurring or a type of weather that effect the system.

Unlikely to make a drastic mistake or a natural disaster occurring which effects the article [press release] production other than the virus.



Information may be verbal or written e.g. providing information to relevant [connected] people when a disaster occurs or a transport delay

Refer to relevant website and email of organiser.



This is the standard measured against other things of a similar kind, the degree of excellence

Hopefully excellent – challenging


Principle of the 15 classes of knowledge or categories.

The 15 classes of knowledge are based on studying patterns in language that represent experiences. They show the most important are objective, variable consequences, responsibility, reality, where the individual is represented by a unique set of knowledge, mistakes and precautions and rules.

The following subjects can be added to expand thinking: Art subjects e.g. painting, sculpture, poetry etc. e.g. play appropriate [connected] music in a supermarket or being inspired [connected] with an experience to create a piece of art e.g. produce a recumbent figure on a seat as a response to homelessness.

Technology solutions i.e. technology Y serves the same function [connected] as X i.e. Y and X form a set e.g. send a Christmas email Y instead of a Christmas card X.

Similarly the senses, sounds, touch, taste, sight and smell are used by individuals to connect with the outside world e.g. Christmas cards – add a drop of perfume to them.

Another important mathematical thinking tool is simply creating a set when reap the benefits e.g. creating a list of all climate change prevention measures to be circulated internationally together with relevant associated or connected knowledge e.g. cost of installation / maintenance / what possible mistakes etc.


By capturing all relevant or connected knowledge for any system or experience by mathematical means is another way of organising society rather than by capitalism, communist, socialism or dictator.

By sharing mathematical models internationally and nationally together with the principle that we all different but based on the same template and that people all think objectively v subjectively will encourage peace between and within nations plus transparency.


Available on Amazon

The book “Power of Mathematical Thinking” seeks to solve the questions and mysteries about consciousness, a subject which has bedevilled philosophers and the like, by describing an objective way of thinking strategy. This is a philosophy which Robins adopted as a teenager when he recognised that we should not create a picture of reality i.e. creating perceptions, as the information on which it is based can be false. Click image to read more.


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